
Did you know that 72% of consumers consider packaging design a strong influence on purchasing decisions? You can even boost your product sales by up to 30% if you have an innovative packaging design.

Your packaging does more than protect what’s inside. It also shapes how customers perceive your brand among thousands of similar products. That said, mastering the art of corrugated packaging design is vital to staying ahead of the competition.

Corrugated packaging is durable, cost-effective, and sustainable. This heavy-duty packaging can also have an excellent visual appeal. To make the most of it, it’s important to understand how its design works and how it impacts consumer satisfaction.

Let’s explore the elements of effective corrugated packaging design and how it can help you optimize your packaging strategies and make your products stand out in a crowded marketplace.

What Factors Should You Consider When Designing Your Corrugated Box?

When designing corrugated packaging, several factors must be considered to make sure that it meets both functional and aesthetic requirements. If you're designing packaging for fragile items like glassware, it's essential to select the right flute type for cushioning and compression strength.

On the aesthetic side, using high-quality printing techniques and incorporating your brand’s visual assets will make the packaging visually appealing and enhance brand recognition. 

Here are the key factors to consider for your corrugated packaging design:

Align Your Packaging with Your Brand Identity

Imagine an image of a half-eaten apple. Do you see a fruit, or does it remind you of a brand? This minimalist logo is etched into the minds of many consumers because it appears everywhere: the phones, tablets, or laptops, decals, and even the packaging.

Considering all the products to market and competitors to outshine, your packaging must make a strong brand statement and leave a lasting impression. You can achieve this by using graphics and messaging that reinforce brand recognition and support your current marketing efforts.

Don’t skimp on printing quality, either. Investing in top-notch printing techniques makes your branding more professional and appealing on the shelves.

Ensure Product Protection and Safety

Corrugated boxes have existed since the 19th century, and they have evolved into a fine art mastered by manufacturers over time.

Beyond attracting customers, corrugated packaging ensures your products arrive at their destination safely. Your packaging must be strong enough to prevent damage during transit and handling. That’s why you must choose the right material strength and incorporate internal structures like dividers or cushioning.

When it comes to corrugated packaging, thickness matters. Here's a quick guide to the different types:

  • Single Wall: This type consists of one layer of fluted paper between two layers of linerboard. It is perfect for lightweight products like cosmetics, small electronics, or apparel that need basic protection.

  • Double Wall: A double-wall corrugated box features two layers of fluted paper separated by a layer of linerboard and sandwiched between two outer layers of linerboard. This option suits heavier products or items requiring more protection during shipping and handling.

  • Triple Wall: The triple wall corrugated packaging is the sturdiest option available. It features three layers of fluted paper separated by two layers of linerboard, all enclosed by outer layers of linerboard. This structure offers the highest level of protection, ideal for large, heavy bulk items or products that need maximum durability during transit.

Understanding the different corrugated flute types is essential to designing the best product packaging. Each type has unique properties that meet specific needs, so your products are well-protected and look great.

  • A Flute: This type provides the highest cushioning and compression strength, making it ideal for products needing extra protection.

  • B Flute: Known for its good puncture resistance, B Flute is commonly used in retail packaging and displays.

  • C Flute: The most widely used flute type, the C Flute offers a great balance of cushioning and strength, making it versatile for a variety of product shippers.

  • E Flute: Thin and lightweight, E Flute is perfect for high-quality printing and smaller packaging needs, such as cosmetics and retail boxes.

York Container provides a wide range of flute options to fit various packaging needs. We can also fine-tune liner combinations with on-site corrugated production to deliver the best quality and strength.

Enhance Customer Usability and Convenience

Remember that convenience and added value are factors that consumers consider when buying a product. When packaging is convenient to use, buyers are more likely to choose it.

Consider adding easy-opening features, resealable closures, and ergonomic handles. These small but smart touches can make a big difference in providing a smooth and enjoyable customer experience. If you're using retail or shelf-ready packaging, these features can help ensure compliance that your packaging is set up correctly at retail.

Create Visually Appealing Packaging

Packaging design greatly impacts how consumers see your brand and can influence their buying decisions, even when they aren't planning to make a purchase. 

To design creative corrugated packaging that stands out on the shelves, choose high-quality print options for your retail packaging that support your brand. Keeping up with current design trends can also help keep your packaging fresh and relevant to make sure that it continues to attract and engage customers. Custom packaging that fits your products' unique size and shape—even those with irregular dimensions—can set you apart on the retail shelf.

Incorporate Innovative Packaging Solutions

Speaking of keeping up with trends, incorporating innovative packaging solutions can set your product apart and boost consumer engagement. Use smart packaging technologies like QR codes or NFC tags to create interactive experiences. York Container can assist in integrating these into your packaging, which can also enhance your inventory management and supply chain.

Choosing sustainable materials and creative designs meets consumer demand and shows your commitment to the environment. In fact, 82% of consumers, regardless of age, are willing to pay more for products with sustainable packaging. York offers 100% recycled linerboard as an option for the corrugated packaging we produce.

Time to Make Your Brand Stand Out with Efficient Corrugated Packaging Design

Corrugated packaging does more than just protect your products. A strategic packaging design is your timeless marketing tool, storyteller, and one of the keys to your brand’s success. When planning your packaging, balance the art and science behind crafting a successful design.

At York Container, we craft customized corrugated packaging solutions tailored to your brand’s unique needs. Talk to us today for expert advice and discover how we can elevate your packaging design to the next level!